How to install metamask wallet on computer

Metamask is an Ethereum wallet plug-in used in Google Chrome, Firefox and other browsers. The wallet does not need to be downloaded, but only needs to add the corresponding extension program in Google browser. It is very lightweight and easy to use.


Metamask supports the following browsers: Firefox, Google browser and 360 speed browser

Install metamask

  • Open the Google # Le Chrome browser and navigate to:


  • Search for metamask and click the fox's logo.

  • Install the plug-in.

Secure storage mnemonics

Back up the mnemonic words (12 words) on paper twice. Store two paper backups in two separate safe locations, such as a fire safe, locked drawer or safe. Consider the paper backup as the cash equivalent stored in your Ethereum wallet. Anyone who can access these words can access and steal your money.

Switching network

  1. Main network (network ID: 1): main, public, Ethereum blockchain. Real eth, real value, real result.

  2. Ropsten Test Network(Network ID: 3): Ethereum public tests blockchain and network, and uses workload to prove consensus (mining). Eth on this network has no value.

  3. Kovan Test Network(Network ID: 42):Ethereum public tests blockchain and network, and uses "aura" protocol for authoritative proof of Poa consensus (joint signature). Eth on this network has no value. This test network is only supported by parity.

  4. Rinkeby Test Network(Network ID: 4):Ethereum public tests blockchains and networks, and uses the "clique" protocol to prove the POA consensus (joint signature). Eth on this network has no value.

  5. Localhost 8545:Connect to a node running on the same computer as the browser. This node can be part of any public blockchain (main or testnet) or a private testnet.

  6. Custom RPC:Customize the blockchain network. Here we can add the smart chain BSC of coin an and the fire coin ecological chain heco and other networks. The installation method is as follows:

Last updated