Dumbo Introduction

Our vision

For too long, a few large corporations have dominated the internet, meaning that we have had less control, and even less ownership of our own data and creations. These organizations have asked us to provide our personal data in exchange for access to their platforms and services, that they have then monetized to advertisers for profits.

If you care about the possibility of regaining ownership of your personal data, you should care about Web 3.0. If you wish to use a social media platform that provides equal benefits to all users, you should be excited about Dumbo Planet.

Dumbo Planet is committed to becoming the leader on the next-generation SocialFi circuit and playing an essential role in the road from Web 2.0 to Web 3.0 of the internet.

The short-term goal of Dumbo Planet is to use blockchain technology to solve user social pain points and put a series of critical web 3.0 features into practical applications. The long-term goal is to become a new entrance to the high-frequency social activities of the crypto population and thus to become the gateway of Metaverse.

We are here to build a platform together where you have control over your data, and get rewarded by creating high-quality content.

Invitation mechanism

(1) The inviter receives an additional 20% stake income from the invitee, and the invitee's income remains unchanged. However, the inviter'sdaily maximum passive invitation reward does not exceed the sDUM income obtained by his daily stake.

(2) If the remaining amount of the inviter's tokens < 1000 sDUM, there is no invitation permission, and the rewards for the invited users will be temporarily closed.

(3) If the invitee does not withdraw the reward on the chain, the inviter will not be able to obtain the reward token part when unstake the sDUM, and the invitee's invitation reward can be withdrawn after the invitee first withdraws it.

(4) There is no upper limit on the number one can invite.


When people talk about their “crypto journey,” it is usually full of wonder and discovery as they plough into the philosophy of decentralization and the benefits of disruptive technology. But for crypto amateurs, it can be bewildering and even dangerous, with scammers and spammers floating in the space.

At the same time, it is hard for individuals and project teams to become opinion leaders on their social accounts to attract lots of fans or to stand out in thousands of communities.

The current social media platforms are not explicitly for the crypto population.

Genuinely native crypto and NFT-dedicated social media platforms with a high density of fans have not yet been born. And while there are over 100 million wallet addresses globally and the number of crypto and NFT enthusiasts keeps growing every day, why isn’t there a dedicated public opinion forum and social media platform for crypto communities?


1.Users participate in content mining through staking DUM, a write-to-earn model with Proof of Stake (POS).

2. When the platform gains a specific user base and traffic, advertisers can buy and burn DUM to achieve promotion posts, broadcast messages, and insert feed stream ads. (For reference, Twitter's annual ad revenue is about 4 billion USD and Facebook averages in the 100 billion.)

3. Crowdfunding investment opportunities. Based on its traffic and user advantages, the platform will obtain investment quotas for high-quality projects, which will be allocated to DUM holders according to the proportion of DUM owned. Users can decide whether to participate in the investment, but the quota will be guaranteed.

4. DUM can be utilized as a tipping mechanism for users.

Dumbo Information

The unique protocol token: DUM

The contract address:





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